
The primary target group of the project is the general population, including patients with pre-existing or at risk for atrial fibrillation (AF)/ venous thromboembolism (VTE) . DEEP-RAFT aims to create educational learning objects and to disseminate awareness about the disease. Patient comprehensive education will focus on

  •  the understanding of the cause,
  • effects and possible complications of AF and VTE,
  • management of rate and rhythm control (AF),
  • need for anticoagulation (AF and VTE),
  • practical advice on anticoagulation (AF and VTE),
  • support networks (AF and VTE) etc.

DEEP-RAFT will also inform patients and their caregivers on modern approaches for technology enablers, such as wearable sensors. This will create responsible aware persons that will be able to detect early warning signs, seek medical assistance even before condition onset and thus reduce overall healthcare overheads. On its side, this educated and aware general public segment could influence others, spreading the “word of mouth” about the disease and its effective management. Our final target is to cause the cascade effect for increasing the demographic impact of DEEP- RAFT in the future.
Stakeholders will have the opportunity to participate in short and large-scale Infodays (attracting between 50-200 patients and family members), co-creation workshops and other informative and educational events. Every action will be organized by the consortium and its network of healthcare experts, as well as though their dynamic involvement in the DEEP-RAFT stakeholders’ community in the social media. Patients and their caregivers will have the floor to express their concerns, thoughts and promote their experience in monitoring the disease, interacting with doctors and healthcare policymakers. The developed educational tools could be adopted by patients as good practices and assistive alternatives.


© 2019 Aristotle University of Thessaloniki – Medical School,

Medical Physics Laboratory.

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DeepRaft Project, funded by Independent medical educational grants to support innovative educational and quality improvement initiatives in AF and VTE (EQUATE), Pfizer grant ID:42537945